Monday, September 20, 2010

A Sunday Like No Other

On Sunday, we went to church. And that is an understatement! We went to CHURCH! And what CHURCH we had! Jesus is alive and well in the Saints' Gate Church in Katwe. Estimate of 500-700 Ugandans present as well as a beautiful missionary family (David and Renee and their children). Pastor JoAnne sat in the front with the Pastors John Michael and Eva, in big-backed king-like chairs. The church building is not finished yet but they are making progress and continuing to collect donations to finish.

We arrived during the worship service and sang many familiar songs with them (Mighty to Save, I am a friend of God, Open the eyes of our hearts, etc). They sang in Lugandan as well but wow, they can dance! We did a little dancing of our own :) but it wasn't like theirs! They have a full band with a drum-set, key board, guitars, microphones, and a fine sound system with speakers.

A few of us went to teach the children at the church (led by our very own Pam Smith:) They crowded about 70 children into a 30 person classroom and had a wonderful time.

Pastor JoAnne preached to the main congregation a great message! God truly is bigger than we think and His presence was so, well, for lack of a better word, present. After church we came home, ate lunch (the food here is making us all a little chunkier, contrary to my expectations), and started putting together all the stuff for our medical clinics (separating the medications into baggies, printing signs, going through the suitcases, etc). A few Ugandan women came and braided hair for those who wanted braiding at the same time---Beautiful!!!


  1. Wow, that is sooo awesome. We can't wait to hear more

  2. It sounds like you guys are having so much Spirit-filled fun. I love your writing style, Rhonda! Looking forward to reading the next blog. :)

  3. So exciting to hear your updates! It sounds like you guys are having an awesome time! Can't wait to hear more. Love you Auntie!

  4. We're praying for all of you. Looking forward to hearing how the medical clinics are going. Thanks for keeping us up to date on your trip.

    To my sweet sister, Kendra, please check your facebook. I sent you a question about sponsorship. (Find us a kiddo!) We miss you and love you lots! Amy & family

  5. Love it!!! Yes, the time of worship at Saint's Gate Church is the dancing too! Praying for you all....and know God is doing in Uganda exceedingly abundantly above and beyond all we ask or think!
